Like a seed of a plant, we planted in soil and like most people had our fingers crossed that it would grow into a flourishing garden. Most don’t make it. Not enough water. Not enough sun. Not enough nutrition. Somehow though, we got the perfect amount of everything, and out of that sprung a whole forest. Now we call that seed Leo Sun! 


I’ve always had high hopes for anything that I’ve done. Momma raised a fighter. Never was I once told that I couldn’t do something, and nothing really scared me… until Leo Sun. Not the fear of failing, but the fear of not impressing people. Now I know that last sentence sounds a little weird. But if there’s one thing Jaela’s gonna do.. it’s gonna try to make everyone happy. That’s an impossible task to do. Everyone is different - likes different things - styles - colors - prints. The best advice that I received was that ‘you’re not going to please everyone but as long as you have fun & have an open mind, go nuts’! 


Now as we celebrate over 200+ orders in under 6 months, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing - having fun & going nuts (in a good way lol)! Most small businesses fail in the first couple of months. Not because they don’t try hard enough, but because their message to the customers doesn’t come across. Well here’s Leo sun’s: let’s look hot, have fun, & be stylish while doing it!! 


I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you Leo babes cheering me on & for that I have a million X’s and O’s for all of you!!! Cheers to being confident. Looking good. And taking s*** from nobody!


A million X’s and O’s Leo babes 

Hey babe

Jaela here! Check out my blog to see all things about Leo Sun, me, trends that everyone is obsessing over, and honestly whatever pops into my head.

Happy reading!
